chicagoland complete patient portal advocate

by Dr. Lourdes Schumm 3 min read

For patients - Advocate Health

27 hours ago Your Patient Portal is a valuable tool and resource that allows you to: Review your lab results. Request appointments. Request medication refills. Request referrals. Send messages to your provider. Patient Portal Log-In. >> Go To The Portal

How do I pay my Advocate Health Medical Center Bill?

Advocate Christ Medical Center offers online bill payments. You can pay your hospital bill, check account status and verify insurance information through the secure, easy-to-use service. To learn more about the new feature, visit Counselors are available to answer billing questions or assist you with a billing issue.

What is the Chicago Family Health Center patient portal?

The Chicago Family Health Center Patient Portal is a new service now available to all CFHC patients. This SECURE website lets you: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Inscribase en el Portal del Paciente. CFHC tiene un nuevo sistema de Portal del Paciente.

How do I contact Advocate Christ Medical Center Chaplain?

Contact a chaplain by calling 41-PRAY (41-7729) from your hospital room phone, or ask your nurse for assistance. What services are available for people with special needs? Advocate Christ Medical Center is committed to serving patients who have disabilities.

How do I contact advocate health care financial counselors?

Our financial counselors may be reached at extension 41-5069 or 708-684-5069. Advocate Health Care serves a broad range of different cultures and ethnic groups throughout the Chicago area.


How to contact a nurse for a code help?

Contact the nurse using your call button if you notice a change in the way you (the patient) or your loved one looks, acts or feels. If you (the patient) or family member feel the patient is not receiving adequate medical attention you may call a Code Help. A care team will respond to the Code Help by visiting the patient, assessing the situation, and treating the patient as necessary. Dial 42-4200 from any hospital phone and ask for a Code Help to be called. We are dedicated to serving

What is the extension for auxiliary aids?

For further information and/or assistance, please call the special services department at extension 41-4104.

How to make a long distance call?

Long distance calls can be made at any time by dialing 9.0. and the number. Long distance calls cannot be charged to your room, so the call must be placed with a calling card, pre-paid phone card or by calling collect. Your family and friends can call you by dialing 708-684-8000 and speaking to the operator.

What can a clergyperson do for you?

They also can: Provide spiritual and pastoral care for you, your family members and your friends, especially during times of crisis, grief or loss. With your consent, contact the clergy, congregation, synagogue, mosque or faith community of your choice and make arrangements for your religious and spiritual needs.

How much money can you keep in a hospital safe?

Contact Public Safety at extension 41-1057 to place any jewelry and currency in excess of $5 in the hospital safe.

What do you need to wear to hospital?

During your hospital stay, you will only need a few personal items, such as toiletries, bathrobe, slippers and a nightgown or pajamas. We do provide hospital attire which is often more practical during your first few days. After that, you may prefer to wear your own clothing.

How to contact a financial counselor?

Our financial counselors may be reached at 708-684-5069.
