cda patient characteristics report 2016

by Mathias Nolan 8 min read

Participant Characteristics Report (CDA CBAS 293) …

31 hours ago  · The report added that 63,998 causality patients were also treated at the hospital during 2016, among which 43,642 patients were entitled and 2,053 were non-entitled … >> Go To The Portal

What is a CDA document?

A CDA can contain any type of clinical content -- typical CDA documents would be a Discharge Summary, Imaging Report, Admission & Physical, Pathology Report and more. The most popular use is for inter-enterprise information exchange, such as is envisioned for a US Health Information Exchange (HIE).

What are the six characteristics of a clinical document?

It defines a clinical document as having the following six characteristics: 1) Persistence, 2) Stewardship, 3) Potential for authentication, 4) Context, 5) Wholeness and 6) Human readability.

What is the confidentiality of a participant health record?

Confidentiality of Information: "Participant health records, including all information taken from such records, shall be confidential and protected from unauthorized disclosure. Information shall be released only on the written request of the participant or the participant's authorized representative."

Who are the international users of CDA?

International users in countries where health information exchange (HIE) is well established such as Finland, Greece and Germany Pilot HIEs in Canada, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Argentina and elsewhere CDA is firmly in the plans for many of the nascent US HIEs and the US Military Health System


What is a CDA?

The minimal CDA is a small number of XML-encoded metadata fields (such as provider name, document type, document identifier, and so on) and a body which can be any commonly-used MIME type such as pdf or .doc (Microsoft Word) or even a scanned image file. While the body of such a document would not be interpretable for applications like decision ...

What is CDA in a document?

The minimal CDA is a small number of XML-encoded metadata fields (such as provider name, document type, document identifier, and so on) and a body which can be any commonly-used MIME type such as pdf or . doc (Microsoft Word) or even a scanned image file.

When was CDA developed?

The earliest draft was called the Kona Architecture and was developed in 1997 after the group had joined HL7. Since that time, many people have worked on it and the basic ideas have been refined and developed along with the HL7 Version 3 framework and the Reference Information Model (RIM). The original group morphed into the HL7 Structured Documents Work Group which is responsible for CDA and other HL7 document types.

What is CDA R2.1?

None at this time, as the CDA R2.1 standard is a base V3 RIM standard which will be used by IG implementers. Once those IG are created, the CDA R2.1 standard will be implemented.

What was the previous version of CDA?

The previous version of CDA is Release 2 which is used as the foundation for all current CDA Implementation Guides.

Who is the largest producer of CDAs?

Duke Clinical Research Institute: CDA as the Single Source Proof of Concept. The Mayo Clinic is the largest single producer of CDA documents, producing thousands of CDAs every week with the anticipation of reaching 50,000 notes per week.

Can metadata be interpretable?

While the body of such a document would not be interpretable for applications like decision support, the minimal, standard metadata set and display characteristics mean that such a document could be filed, searched, categorized and retrieved along with more richly-encoded documents.

When will CBAS transition plan be implemented?

To develop and implement the CBAS Transition Plan to bring CBAS centers into compliance by March 17, 2023 and on an ongoing basis with the federal requirements of the HCB Settings regulations as specified in the CBAS provisions of California’s 1115 (a) Demonstration Waiver.

What is a CBAs transition plan?

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and the California Department of Aging (CDA) convened a series of stakeholder meetings to develop a Community-Based Adult Services (CBAS) Home and Community- Based (HCB) Settings Transition Plan (CBAS Transition Plan), to be incorporated into California’s Statewide Transition Plan (STP). Meetings began in February 2015. Pending final approval of California’s STP by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), CDA and DHCS in collaboration with stakeholders are implementing the activities and milestones identified in the CBAS Transition Plan.
