"case report" "patient characteristics"

by Elmo Ruecker 10 min read

Case Report - Study Design 101 - George Washington …

24 hours ago Yes. Under HIPAA, a case report is an activity to develop information to be shared for medical/educational purposes. Although the use of protected health information to prepare the paper does not require IRB review, the author of a case report must comply with HIPAA. Ideally, the author of the article will obtain the signed authorization of the ... >> Go To The Portal

What information does the case report provide about the patient?

Does the case report provide information about the patient's age, sex, ethnicity, race, employment status, social situation, medical history, diagnosis, prognosis, previous treatments, past and current diagnostic test results, medications, psychological tests, clinical and functional assessments, and current intervention?

What constitutes a “case report”?

Q: What constitutes a “case report”? A case report for IRB purposes is a retrospective analysis of one, two, or three clinical cases. If more than three cases are involved in the analytical activity, the activity will constitute “research.” Please review the JHM Organization Policy on Single Case Reports and Case Series (Policy No. 102.3) .

What should be included in the description of the patient?

The patient should be described in detail, allowing others to identify patients with similar characteristics.


How do you write a patient case report?

III. Patient case presentationDescribe the case in a narrative form.Provide patient demographics (age, sex, height, weight, race, occupation).Avoid patient identifiers (date of birth, initials).Describe the patient's complaint.List the patient's present illness.List the patient's medical history.More items...•

What should a patient description include?

You should include: • A brief summary (1-2 lines) of the patient, the reason for admission, and your likely diagnosis. This should also include information regarding the patient's clinical stability. While it can be similar to your opener, it should not be identical.

How do you describe a case report?

Case reports should encompass the following five sections: an abstract, an introduction with a literature review, a description of the case report, a discussion that includes a detailed explanation of the literature review, and a brief summary of the case and a conclusion.

What is usually written in a patient's case history?

A case report is a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient. Case reports usually describe an unusual or novel occurrence and as such, remain one of the cornerstones of medical progress and provide many new ideas in medicine.

What should a patient case presentation include?

Case Presentation. The case report should be chronological and detail the history, physical findings, and investigations followed by the patient's course. At this point, you may wish to include more details than you might have time to present, prioritizing the content later.

What are the components of patient case presentation?

Highlighted in this chapter are the essential components of the presentation: the chief complaint, the history of present illness (HPI), the past medical history, the family and social history, the review of systems, and finally, the physical examination findings.

How do you introduce a patient in a case study?

First, we describe the complaint that brought the patient to us. It is often useful to use the patient's own words. Next, we introduce the important information that we obtained from our history-taking. We don't need to include every detail – just the information that helped us to settle on our diagnosis.

How do you write a case report introduction?

First, you want to introduce the topic not discuss the actual case. Therefore, you should not include details about your client until the case description section. The introduction should only give the background on why this case report was written and some background on the condition of interest.

Which of the following is a strength of a case report?

Strength: The case study gives researchers the possibility to investigate cases which could not be set up in research laboratories. Strength: Case studies may contradict established theory and helps to develop new theories.

What is a case report?

A case report is a medical/educational activity that does not meet the DHHS definition of “research”, which is: "a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.".

Does a case report have to be approved by the IRB?

Yes. Under HIPAA, a case report is an activity to develop information to be shared for medical/educational purposes. Although the use of protected health information to prepare the paper does not require IRB review, the author of a case report must comply with HIPAA.

1 Introduction

Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS are the 2 most common causes of death from infectious diseases across the world. [1] In China, the total estimated number of people living with HIV/AIDS rose to 780,000 in 2011.

2 Methods

We performed a cross-sectional study in the HIV/AIDS clinic of the Guigang City People's Hospital. Guigang City People's Hospital is a public hospital in Guigang City, which serves patients residing in Guigang City and nearby counties.

3 Results

The response rate for the study was 150/194 (77.3%). Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics.

4 Discussion

With the increase of HIV and TB burden in China, it is important to have a clearer understanding of the potential health care needs of patients coinfected with HIV and TB.

What is case safety report format?

The format for individual case safety reports includes provisions for transmitting all the relevant data elements useful to assess an individual adverse drug reaction or adverse event report. The data elements are sufficiently comprehensive to cover complex reports from most sources, different data sets, and transmission situations or requirements; therefore, not every data element will be available for every transmission. In many, if not most instances, a substantial number of the data elements will not be known and therefore not included in the transmission. Where it was deemed important, provisions for unknown or not applicable were included (e.g., outcome, route of administration). However, since the transmission is intended to be electronic, it was thought to be unnecessary to include provisions to assign values of unknown for all data elements. Different ways of including the same data have been provided to cope with differing information contents (e.g., age information can be sent as date of birth and date of reaction or event, age at the time of reaction or event, or patient age group according to the available information; see section B.1.2 and the respective user guidance). In this example, age should be provided by using the most precise available data element rather than by including multiple elements of redundant data.

What is the purpose of the Working Group on Case Safety Reports?

The objectives of the working group are to standardize the data elements for transmission of individual case safety reports by identifying, and where necessary or advisable, by defining the data elements for the transmission of all types of individual case safety reports , regardless of source and destination. This includes case safety reports for both pre and postapproval periods and covers both adverse drug reaction and adverse event reports. It is not intended that this format be used for cases in the integrated safety summary of a marketing license application dossier. For adverse reactions

How many adverse events does Patient XX suffer?

The figure provides an example of how one would populate the fields relevant to identifying cases and their reports. Patient XX suffers three separate adverse events (AE1, AE2, AE3) spaced over a time period.



  • An article that describes and interprets an individual case, often written in the form of a detailed story. Case reports often describe: 1. Unique cases that cannot be explained by known diseases or syndromes 2. Cases that show an important variation of a disease or condition 3. Cases that …
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  1. Can help in the identification of new trends or diseases
  2. Can help detect new drug side effects and potential uses (adverse or beneficial)
  3. Educational – a way of sharing lessons learned
  4. Identifies rare manifestations of a disease
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  1. Cases may not be generalizable
  2. Not based on systematic studies
  3. Causes or associations may have other explanations
  4. Can be seen as emphasizing the bizarre or focusing on misleading elements
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Fictitious Example

  • A physician treated a young and otherwise healthy patient who came to her office reporting numbness all over her body. The physician could not determine any reason for this numbness and had never seen anything like it. After taking an extensive history the physician discovered that the patient had recently been to the beach for a vacation and had used a very new type of spray sun…
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Related Terms

  • Case Series A report about a small group of similar cases. Preplanned Case-Observation A case in which symptoms are elicited to study disease mechanisms. (Ex. Having a patient sleep in a lab to do brain imaging for a sleep disorder).
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