30 hours ago Feb 24, 2022 · Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center is pleased to introduce our new patient portal. Our NextGen patient portal offers many new features compared to our previous portal, and it directly integrates with our new NextGen electronic health record system. Some of the portal capabilities currently available include: Request appointments >> Go To The Portal
Feb 24, 2022 · Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center is pleased to introduce our new patient portal. Our NextGen patient portal offers many new features compared to our previous portal, and it directly integrates with our new NextGen electronic health record system. Some of the portal capabilities currently available include: Request appointments
Feb 24, 2022 · Asthma And Allergy Specialists In Charlotte. Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center is the area’s largest asthma and allergy practice made up entirely of board-certified physicians. Our allergy specialists treat patients of all ages for a range of conditions including food allergy, drug allergy, insect allergy, and asthma. We are committed to providing a high standard of expertise …
Jul 01, 2014 · To access the NextGen patient portal, you must set up your unique, secure account, which requires a confidential Token Number that we will issue to you. To obtain your Token Number, either call us at 704-998-0812 or 704-372-7900, or you may request one during your next visit to Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center. Click on the NextGen logo to enter the Carolina …
Carolina Allergy & Asthma Consultants in Columbia, SC provides today’s most advanced specialty care delivered by highly capable doctors. Call 803-929-0290.
With three locations in Columbia, SC and four board-certified allergists/immunologists, Carolina Allergy & Asthma Consultants is an area leader in providing the full range of specialized care you and your family depend on.
Asthma can be terrifying, whether it affects you directly or your precious child. That’s why you need informed, experienced and specialized care.
Allergic rhinitis, or “hay fever,” is when you experience inflammation, nasal congestion and itchy, sneezy and runny nose due to an allergic reaction to environmental substances. These can include pollen, dust mites, pet dander, mold and more.
For severe or poorly controlled allergies (non-food-related), your Carolina Allergy & Asthma specialist injects you with small doses of the allergens to which you’re sensitive in order to help your body develop a protective response and reduce symptoms. We also offer oral immunotherapy when appropriate.
Treating your allergy or asthma successfully starts with a thorough understanding of your condition. As allergy and immunology specialists, we’re highly trained not just in every allergy/asthma disorder but also in the most sensitive and specific methods for diagnosing them.
To provide you the appropriate, effective care for any type of allergy or asthma problem, we use today’s most advanced tools and technology and follow the most current science and protocols from the leading edge of our specialty. Here are some of the leading-edge treatments and methods we use to improve your quality of life:
All four of our doctors in Columbia, SC are fellowship-trained and board-certified in allergy and immunology, the medical specialty most skilled and capable in the treatment of asthma and allergies.
Dr. Patel came to Charlotte with her husband and three children in 2009 and has grown to love this city and its people. She met...
Nancy: I was having chronic sinus infections and severe allergy symptoms. I had no energy; my eyes were burning and itching, runny nose, and sore...
When an asthma attack occurs, your bronchial tubes – the pathways that let air enter and leave the lungs become inflamed and the muscles surrounding the bronchial tubes – tighten. This results in narrowing of the air passages, making breathing very difficult. Other symptoms may also appear including coughing and wheezing. An asthma attack can […]
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