3 hours ago Dr. Paul G. Cole, MD practices Cardiology at Willis-Knighton Cardiology in Shreveport, Bossier City, Minden, Natchitoches, Vivian, Homer, Ruston & Springhill Louisiana ... Patient Portal; Contact Us; About Us Paul G. Cole, MD, FACC Fellow of the American College of Cardiology ... Dr. Cole practices at: WK Bossier Health Center 2400 Hospital ... >> Go To The Portal
Dr. Paul G. Cole is a cardiologist in Shreveport, Louisiana and is affiliated with Willis-Knighton Medical Center. He received his medical degree from LSU School of Medicine in Shreveport and has been in practice for more than 20 years.
New patients can also call (318) 215-7245, and for other questions, call (318) 752-2328. Does Dr. Paul Cole, MD offer telehealth services? Dr. Cole has indicated that they offer telehealth.
Dr. Cole's office is located at 2400 Hospital Dr Ste 350, Bossier City, LA 71111. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades. What languages does Dr. Paul Cole, MD speak?
A patient portal account is an online tool that gives you anytime access to your personal health records and enables you to take proactive role in managing your care. FollowMyHealth® by Allscripts is Cardiology Associates’ patient portal provider.
Yes, you can book an appointment with Dr. Cole online today. It's simple, secure, and free.
Call Dr. Cole for more information on telehealth services.
We’ve published patient experience ratings for Dr. Cole in 6 key categories based on 128 reviews. See ratings .
Check Dr. Cole's profile to see which insurance they accept.
Dr. Cole's office is located at 2727 Hearne Ave, Shreveport, LA....
Cardiologists diagnose and treat heart disease, such as congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart rhythm disorders and heart failure...
Physician move in and out of insurance plans throughout the year. When you call for an appointment, you shoudl confirm that the physician accepts your insurance. Back To Search Results Request A Call Back New Search
Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.
Dr. Paul G. Cole is a cardiologist in Shreveport, Louisiana and is affiliated with Willis-Knighton Medical Center. He received his medical degree from LSU School of Medicine in Shreveport and has been in practice for more than 20 years.
Cardiologists diagnose and treat heart disease, such as congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart rhythm disorders and heart failure.
Provides clear information and answers questions in a way patients understand.
Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.
High Performing in Aortic Valve Surgery, Heart Attack, Heart Bypass Surgery, Heart Failure and Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)