brigham and women's patient portal

by Llewellyn Bechtelar 8 min read

Patient Gateway Access - Brigham and Women's Hospital

19 hours ago Mass General Brigham Patient Gateway is a secure and convenient online tool that allows patients to: Currently, most primary care physicians and many specialists at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI), and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) are using Mass General Brigham Patient Gateway. >> Go To The Portal

What is the abbreviation for Brigham and women's hospital?

Mass General Brigham Patient Gateway is a secure and convenient online tool that allows patients to: Currently, most primary care physicians and many specialists at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI), and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) are using Mass General Brigham Patient Gateway.

What is patient gateway?

Please note that Mass General Brigham has limited capacity for testing at this time. We are adding testing capacity. See our website for more information about testing.

What is physician gateway?

Setting up your personal Mass General Brigham Patient Gateway account is simple. A request form asks you to provide basic information: your name, gender, birth date, telephone number, email address, home address, and your Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital health care provider (s). Click here to visit Patient Gateway Patient Gateway Updates


Patient Gateway Updates

The Patient Gateway website and mobile app has a new look and feel. You will continue to have access to all currently available features — and can expect the following new features:

Care Everywhere

Link your Mass General Brigham Health Records from organizations outside Mass General Brigham.

Release of Information - A New Way to Request Your Medical Records

You will receive notification through Patient Gateway when your provider adopts the new functionality that allows you to request your medical records online. As always, you will continue to be able to request your records by filling out a form provided by your hospital or provider.


Mass General Brigham names Robert S.D. Higgins, MD, MSHA, President of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Executive Vice President at Mass General Brigham effective December 2021.


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