bgh patient portal

by Gilbert Aufderhar 4 min read

Bonner General Health

35 hours ago Patient Portal BGH empowers our patients with direct access to their electronic medical records and more via our Patient Portal. Click here to login. Self-Registration, How To's, & User Guide If you have questions about how to use this system, or are new to using our Patient Portal, please use the links below for helpful information. >> Go To The Portal

What is the MyHealth patient portal?

Patient Portal BGH empowers our patients with direct access to their electronic medical records and more via our Patient Portal. Click here to login. Self-Registration, How To's, & User Guide If you have questions about how to use this system, or are new to using our Patient Portal, please use the links below for helpful information.

What information is available on the Raleigh General Hospital Patient Portal?

Patient Information Click here to go to our patient portal. Health Topics Buchanan General Hospital would like to encourage our patients and community to explore health issues. Below is a list of topics you might want to explore. Heart Disease High Blood Pressure Colds & Flu Accidents For other health topics please click here.

Who do I contact for technical questions about patient gateway?

Our patient portal allows safe and secure access to you and your family's medical records from the comfort of your home. Manage My Health Sign in to Patient Portal Register Sign In If you think you may have the Coronavirus (COVID-19) contact your primary care provider or Panhandle Health District at 877-415-5225.

How do I enroll in Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS)?

Patient Portal Access. Access your medical records on the My Care Corner patient portal here! Be sure you have your Access PIN. (If you've lost or forgotten your PIN, call 308-761-3075 to get a new one). Watch this video for more instruction on using the My Care Corner patient portal, or see the links below for more details on using this ...


Patient Portal Access

Access your medical records on the My Care Corner patient portal here! Be sure you have your Access PIN. (If you've lost or forgotten your PIN, call 308-761-3075 to get a new one).

Getting Started

Your healthcare provider (Box Butte General Hospital and Affiliates) will provide you with an email (if you provided an email address) or a printed copy of instructions for accessing the MyCareCorner website.
