beacon patient portal midland texas

by Mrs. Charlene Douglas 8 min read

Patient Portal | Midland Health

17 hours ago Technical support services for MyBeacon are available 24/7 at 877.621.8014. For Medical Records assistance with the MyBeacon patient portal, please call 574.647.7430 or email I need to request a copy of my medical records For developers: My Beacon is API-ready. Connect your health management apps. >> Go To The Portal

What is Beacon’s healthelife patient portal?

One of Beacon’s most exciting features is its patient portal application, HealtheLife. This new patient portal provides 24/7 online access to your health records from any computer, tablet or smartphone.

How do I use Midland Health's Patient Portal?

By logging onto Midland Health's Patient Portal, you can communicate securely with your provider and staff, pay bills online, view test and lab results, and manage your health profile whenever is most convenient for you. The Patient Portal can be accessed using any computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection.

How do I access my health records with Beacon?

One of Beacon’s most exciting features is its patient portal application, HealtheLife. This new patient portal provides 24/7 online access to your health records from any computer, tablet or smartphone. Once you have an account, access your records by logging onto www. midlandhealth. iqhealth.

How do I request an email invitation to Beacon Medical Group?

You can also request an email invitation by calling your Beacon Medical Group office or in person at your next visit. If you do not have a Social Security Number, please call your Beacon Medical Group office for an email invitation.

Beacon Electronic Health Record

In Summer 2018, we transitioned to BEACON, Midland Health’s new electronic health record (EHR) provided through Cerner. This new form of communication improves patient access to health records and engagement in personal wellness.

NEW Midland Health Patient Portal

One of Beacon’s most exciting features is its patient portal application, HealtheLife. This new patient portal provides 24/7 online access to your health records from any computer, tablet or smartphone. Access your records by logging onto or download the HealtheLife iOS app.

Open for Business

We are committed to protecting our community’s health and well-being – as well as that of our caregivers–from COVID-19. New measures and protections are in place across our hospital, surgery centers and clinics, in accordance with CDC guidelines and recommendations by our own experts. Learn More!

Entrances & Parking

We've made it easier for our patients and visitors to navigate our facilities. All parking lots and entrances are color-coded to make your healthcare experience as seamless as possible.

About Midland Health

We believe the health of a community extends far beyond hospital walls. And we are committed to leading our community to be the healthiest in Texas. That's why we've teamed up with area healthcare partners to create Midland Health. Working together, we can make a profound and lasting impact on our community by improving the health of our people.

How to dial 2-1-1 in Texas?

Texas. Dialing 2-1-1 is a free, easy way to find out about services you can get in your area or through state programs. If you can’t connect to 2-1-1, call us toll-free at 1-877-541-7905. You can also visit the 2-1-1 Texas website to the phone number to your local 2-1-1 Area Information Center.

What is the number to call 2-1-1?

If you can’t connect to 2-1-1, call us toll-free at 1-877-541-7905. You can also visit the 2-1-1 Texas website to the phone number to your local 2-1-1 Area Information Center. Medicaid client hotline: 1-800-252-8263. CHIP call center: 1-877-543-7669 or 1-800-647-6558. TTY: 512-424-6597.

Medical Records

The purpose of Release of Information is to provide copies of patient records to various requesters (i.e. patients, attorneys, insurance companies, etc.) for varied reasons.

Birth Certificates

The Birth Certificate office is responsible for the completion of birth certificates of babies born at Midland Memorial Hospital. To obtain copies of birth certificates, parents should visit or call: