baystate hospital patient portal

by Tre Davis 4 min read

MyBaystate | Baystate Health

23 hours ago Due to the recent surge of COVID-19 in our community, our providers and staff are working diligently to prioritize care for our patients who are currently sick or in need of urgent care. If you would like to schedule an adult wellness visit or routine appointment, for example a physical, screening mammogram or screening colonoscopy, we ask that ... >> Go To The Portal

How do I access mybaystate health?

Due to the recent surge of COVID-19 in our community, our providers and staff are working diligently to prioritize care for our patients who are currently sick or in need of urgent care. If you would like to schedule an adult wellness visit or routine appointment, for example a physical, screening mammogram or screening colonoscopy, we ask that ...

How do I contact the Baystate Medical Center pharmacy?

MyBaystate | Baystate Health | Springfield, MA great With new features and tools, MyBaystate replaces the previous myBaystateHealth patient portal with a tool that will help patients and visitors at every step of their journey.There are many app features that you can access without logging in, including provider search, symptom checker, appointment requests, …

Why choose Baystate Health?

Welcome to Baystate Health Our goal is to provide the best patient care for you and your family member before, during and after your visit to any of our facilities throughout western Massachusetts. Patients and Visitors Billing and Financial Assistance Visiting Hours and Policies Staying at the Hospital Rights and Responsibilities Medical Records

What is the abbreviation for Baystate Medical Center?

Baystate Franklin Medical Center. Patient Portal Sign in. Username or Email Address. Password. SIGN IN . Forgot your username or password? Enter a new access code. help Questions? View our Patient Help Center . All data is securely encrypted. Translation: English. English; Spanish ...


Information for Patients and Visitors

We ask all visitors to wear masks. Have COVID-19 or symptoms? Please call first.

For Your Safety and Ours

We ask all visitors to wear masks. Have COVID-19 or symptoms? Please call first.

How to sign a medical record?

Who can legally sign for medical records? 1 The Patient and / or anyone who is named as a decision maker or attorney-in-fact under a healthcare power of attorney signed by the patient. 2 If the patient is deceased, a certificate of appointment issued by the Probate Court identifying the requestor as the executor or executrix of the patient’s estate. A death certificate may also be provided which lists the requestor as the next of kin. 3 If the patient is under the age of 16, the patient’s parent may sign. 4 If the patient is 16 years of age or older, the parent can sign if the parent authorized the treatment which is recorded. 5 If the patient is 16 years of age or older and authorized their own treatment, then the patient must authorize the release of information regarding the treatment.

What is a psychiatric record?

Psychiatric records or infectious diseases (i.e. HIV, Hepatitis C, TB, ECT.) must be clearly marked or checked before they will be released. Statement acknowledging the patient’s right to revoke or cancel authorization. Statement indicating the patient’s right to refuse the release of information.

What age can a parent sign a death certificate?

A death certificate may also be provided which lists the requestor as the next of kin. If the patient is under the age of 16, the patient’s parent may sign. If the patient is 16 years of age or older, the parent can sign if the parent authorized the treatment which is recorded.

How long does it take to get a copy of medical records in Massachusetts?

Medical records can be sent to another facility with the patient's written consent. These requests may take up to two weeks to complete. Written requests for copies of medical records for personal use will also be honored in compliance with Massachusetts General Laws. A fee for copying will be charged.

How long does it take for a school form to be processed?

Please let us know when the form will be picked up or if it should be mailed and allow one week for the forms to be processed.

What to call Baystate Health?

Instead, call for medical guidance. (In a life-threatening emergency, always call 9-1-1 or go to your closest ED. Baystate Health is working hard to make sure patients and staff are safe. If you have an emergency, do not hesitate to get the care you need.

How many beds does Baystate Medical Center have?

Baystate Medical Center (BMC) is a 716-bed independent academic medical center and a training site for the University of Massachusetts Medical School-Baystate. BMC is also our community's major referral hospital, providing the highest level of care for conditions such as cancer, acute and chronic cardiovascular illness, nervous system illness, ...

What is the pharmacy number for BMC?

Contact the BMC pharmacy at 413-794-4929.


Download The App

  • MyBaystate is available 24/7 on computers and mobile devices—as well as through a brand-new mobile app. Download the app from the Apple App Store, Google Play, or on the Baystate Health App Storewhere you’ll find other helpful tools like WayToGo, which helps you find your way insid…
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No-Contact Appointments and More

  • With MyBaystate, you can manage your health information in one convenient, secure place—without leaving your home. 1. Be notified when you're eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine 2. Send secure messages and images to your providers 3. Request appointments, including telehealth video visits 4. Request prescription refills 5. See lab and radiology results, medicines, …
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Records Request and Advanced Care Plans

  • You can easily request a copy of your medical records or share them from MyBaystate anytime you want. With our new forms library, you can access several helpful digital and printable forms such as Advanced Care Plans and Healthcare Proxy.
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Covid-19 Resources

  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, MyBaystate offers many important resources at the tips of your fingers.
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