basin clinic naturita patient portal

by Connie Ernser 7 min read

Basin Clinic Inc, Naturita, CO -

35 hours ago The Basin Clinic partners with several agencies to ensure that each patient receives the highest level of treatment available. Please read through our list of partner and area resources. ... >> Go To The Portal

What is basin clinic?

Basin Clinic Inc is a primary care provider established in Naturita, Colorado specializing in family medicine. The NPI number of Basin Clinic Inc is 1114974037 and was assigned on May 2006. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 207Q00000X. The provider is registered as an organization and their NPI record was last updated April 2021. Basin Clinic Inc operates as a multi-specialty business group with one or more individual providers who practice different areas of specialization. The authorized official of this NPI record is Christina Pierce (Director)#N#A primary care provider (PCP) like Basin Clinic Inc sees people with common medical problems. The primary care provider might be a doctor, physician assistant, nurse practitioner or clinic that are usually involved in your long-term care. A PCP might provide preventive care, treat common medical conditions, identify urgent medical problems and refer you to specialists when necessary. Primary care is usually provided in an outpatient facility but if you are admitted to a hospital your PCP may assist in your care. The most common medical conditions seen by primary care providers are: hypertension, upper respiratory tract infections, depression or anxiety, back pain, arthritis, dermatitis, diabetes, urinary tract infections, etc#N#The CLIA number of Basin Clinic Inc is 06D0644471 registered as a "rural health clinic" facility with a CLIA Certificate for Provider-Performed Microscopy Procedures (PPMP). This CLIA certificate is issued to Basin Clinic Inc in which a physician, midlevel practitioner or dentist that performs specific microscopy procedures during the course of a patient's visit. A limited list of provider-performed microscopy procedures is included under this certificate type, which are categorized as moderate complexity testing.

What is the CLIA number?

The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988 applies to facilities or sites that test human specimens for health assessment or to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease. The CLIA Program sets standards for clinical laboratory testing and issues certificates. The NPI / CLIA crosswalk information for the NPI number 1114974037 is:
