baker ent patient portal

by Chance Jacobi 8 min read

Home | Baker Ear Nose and Throat | Bay City | Midland ...

7 hours ago Patient Portal Learn More Procedures We Provide We are committed to providing you with the highest quality medical support. Learn More Post-op Care Instructions It’s important to know what to do after a procedure provided by Baker ENT. Learn More Procedures Balloon Sinuplasty Balloon sinuplasty is a type of endoscopic nasal surgery. >> Go To The Portal

Why choose Baker Ear Nose&Throat Associates plc?

Patient Portal Learn More Procedures We Provide We are committed to providing you with the highest quality medical support. Learn More Post-op Care Instructions It’s important to know what to do after a procedure provided by Baker ENT. Learn More Procedures Balloon Sinuplasty Balloon sinuplasty is a type of endoscopic nasal surgery.

Why choose ProLiance Eastside ENT?

Baker ENT Associates is a FRAGRANCE-FREE office. It is requested that patients do not wear any perfume, cologne, or aftershave. Many allergy/asthma patients have sensitivities to scents. Please bring the following information with you to your first visit: Completed New Patient Forms.

Why choose our ear and nose&throat care?

Patient Portal Mt Baker Imaging’s patient portal, powered by Ambra, allows patients to access and share their reports and imaging. ACCESSING THE PATIENT PORTAL:

How do I make an appointment with an otolaryngologist?

Myra Baker, P.A. Physician’s Assistant Central Oregon ENT welcomes the addition of Myra Baker, PA-C. She comes to us from Boulder, Colorado, with 17 years of ENT experience. She is highly trained in all aspects of ENT, including adults and pediatrics.


Is Central Oregon ENT open?

Central Oregon ENT is open and you can call our Bend or Redmond offices at 541-526-1133 to schedule your appointment or to discuss telemedicine options. Please know that we are taking all necessary precautions at our clinics to sanitize and follow state COVID regulations. Masks are required at all times.

What is Bend Clinic?

The Bend clinic is our main office and largest space offering comprehensive ENT services, surgery, allergy therapy, and a full-service audiology and hearing aid department. Call 541-526-1133 to schedule an appointment.
