are home health aides obligated to report patient abuse indiana

by Aracely Bailey 4 min read

Frequently Asked Questions: Home Health Aides

30 hours ago aide (QMA), or home health aide (HHA)? ISDH Reporting a Complaint website State and federal rules specify that ISDH must investigate any allegation of client abuse, >> Go To The Portal

Home health aides are not among those required to report if they have “reasonable cause to suspect or believe that any elderly person has been abused, neglected, exploited, or abandoned, or is in a condition which is the result of such abuse, neglect, exploitation, or abandonment, or who is in need of protective services.”

State law does not require home health aides to report elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. They are not on the statute's list of mandated reporters.Feb 25, 1999

Full Answer

What is a home health aide in Indiana?

Indiana has defined home health aide as a person who works for a home health agency or hospice and who performs services that have been ordered by a healthcare professional. A person must have at least 75 hours of education to work for a Medicare-certified home health agency; this includes, at minimum, 16 hours of supervised practical training.

Can a home health aide be assigned to a specific patient?

In most cases, aides who work for licensed home health agencies are assigned to particular patients by an RN. In some cases, the assignment may be made by a therapist; this depends on the type of services the client receives. The home health aide can expect a supervisory visit to take place once every 30 days.

How much do home health workers make in Indiana?

Indiana home health workers make an average salary of $10.97 an hour or $22,820 a year. This about a dollar an hour more than their counterparts who are classified as personal aides.

What is Aide abuse?

Emotional abuse. This puts the home health aide in a position to emotionally abuse his or her patient through yelling, bullying, manipulation, intimidation or even ignoring and isolating your family member.

What are the requirements for assisted living in Indiana?

Assisted Living Facility Requirements An Indiana assisted living facility must file a disclosure form with the Family and Social Services Agency Division of Aging. Facilities that are enrolled in the Medicaid waiver program must offer units with a bedroom, a private bath, a substantial living area, and a kitchen.

How do I file a complaint against a nursing home in Indiana?

PhoneToll-free Complaint Report Line: 1-800-246-8909 (available during state business hours).If the complaint report line is busy, or you are calling outside of state business hours, you may call the voicemail line at 317-233-7241.

How do I report a nursing home to Illinois?

If you wish to file a complaint about an Illinois nursing home, call the Department's toll-free hotline at 1-800-252-4343.

What are the 5 resident rights?

The right to be treated with dignity. The right to exercise self-determination. The right to exercise freedom of speech and communicate freely. The right to participate in the creation and review of one's individualized care plan.

How much is assisted living per month in Indiana?

Assisted Living / Memory Care In 2020, according to Genworth's Cost of Care Survey 2019, the average monthly cost of assisted living in Indiana is approximately $4,100. In Lafayette, Kokomo, Muncie, Michigan City, and Elkhart, the monthly cost is quite a bit more costly, averaging between $4,500 and $5,685 / month.

Who regulates nursing homes in Indiana?

The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) Division of Long Term Care is responsible for the licensing and regulating of Indiana's long-term care facilities. Nursing homes (referred to in the administrative rules as a comprehensive care facility) are examples of long term care facilities.

How do I report a nurse in Indiana?

Consumer Complaint - a complaint filed by a member of the public against a licensed professional. To obtain a complaint form, go to

How do I file a complaint against an assisted living facility in Indiana?

How to file a complaintTalk directly to staff and/or leadership at the facility.File a written grievance with the facility.Voice your concerns at the facility resident council meeting or family council meeting.Call the Indiana State Department of Health Complaint Line at 800-246-8909.More items...

What are the 3 most common complaints about nursing homes?

What Are the Three Most Common Complaints About Nursing Homes?Slow Response Times. By far, the most common complaint in many nursing homes is that staff members are slow to respond to the needs of residents. ... Poor Quality Food. ... Social Isolation. ... When Complaints Turn into a Dangerous Situation.

Who is responsible for the oversight of the facilities?

California state governmentCalifornia state government is responsible for the regulation and oversight of health care facilities through multiple agencies, departments, boards, bureaus, and commissions.

How do I file a complaint with Idfpr?

If you have direct/indirect knowledge of unlicensed practice for any professions regulated by Division of Professional Regulation (DPR) and/or if you wish to report an alleged violation committed by any individual/entity regulated by DPR, you may do so by either using the Department's online complaint portal,https:// ...

When did the CNA certificate change?

On May 1, 2011, the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) changed the processregarding the certificates and pocket cards that were sent to certified nurse aides (CNA),qualified medication aides (QMA) and registered home health aides (HHA). EffectiveMay 1, 2011, a certificate, pocket card or confirmation were no longer sent to the aidewhen the aide renews their certification or registration.

Can I file a complaint against a health care provider in Indiana?

Individuals can file a complaint about any licensed or certified Indiana health care facility, provider, or supplier. The following are ways to report a complaint about a health care facility to the ISDH:

What is home health aide in Indiana?

Indiana has defined home health aide as a person who works for a home health agency or hospice and who performs services that have been ordered by a healthcare professional.

What is required of home health agencies in Indiana?

Indiana home health agencies are required by law to make sure their aides are in good status on the Registry and have had appropriate training and evaluation. They may of course ask much more. Some want high school diplomas or equivalency. They may note proficiency with written language.

How much does a home health assistant make in Columbus?

Columbus reports the highest home health aide average wage in the state: $12.86. Most metropolitan and nonmetropolitan districts report averages between $10.00 and $11.50. Hourly wages at the 10th percentile range from a little over $8.00 an hour to a little over $9.00 in most parts of the state.

What are the duties of a home health aide?

Home health aides count the following among their duties: 1 Helping clients move about their home and/ or changing their position in bed 2 Assisting clients with personal care and hygiene 3 Providing food and liquids (and assisting with eating and drinking, as needed) 4 Assisting clients with medication

How often do home health aides visit?

The home health aide can expect a supervisory visit to take place once every 30 days.

How many hours of training is required for home health aids in Indiana?

Home Health Aide Training and Evaluation in Indiana. A person must have at least 75 hours of education to work for a Medicare-certified home health agency; this includes, at minimum, 16 hours of supervised practical training. The practical training will begin only after the individual has at least 16 hours of classroom education ...

How much does a home health worker make in Indiana?

Indiana home health workers make an average salary of $10.97 an hour or $22,820 a year. This about a dollar an hour more than their counterparts who are classified as personal aides.

How many cases of elder abuse and neglect are there in Indiana?

It’s hard to imagine that anyone could harm a vulnerable person in a nursing home, but every year more than 40,000 cases of elder abuse and neglect occur in Indiana.

What is the Indiana Code of Laws?

Every state, including Indiana, has a set of laws intended to protect older adults and adults with disabilities who are in long-term care facilities . In Indiana, these laws can be found in Title 12, Article 10, Chapter 3 of the Indiana Code.