annual quality and patient safety report

by Mrs. Frida Ankunding 3 min read

Quality and Patient Safety Annual Reports -

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PATIENT SAFETY This Patient Safety Chartbook is part of a family of documents and tools that support the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report(NHQDR). The NHQDR is an annual report to Congress mandated in the Healthcare Research and Quality Act of 1999 (P.L. 106-129).

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What is the new PQS patient safety report resource?

PQS: Patient safety report resource September 16, 2021 A new resource to support community pharmacy contractors to complete their patient safety report, a requirement of the ‘Safety report and demonstrable learnings from the CPPE LASA e-learning’ Gateway criterion of the 2021/22 Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS), is now available.

What is the qpsd semi-annual report?

It is required by the PCA regulations at 243 CMR 3.07 (3) (g). It is prepared for the health care facility's governing body with a copy submitted to the Quality and Patient Safety Division (QPSD). In response to requests from facilities, the QPSD developed a format for semi-annual reporting.

What has PSNC done to support contractors completing the patient safety report?

PSNC has worked with the Community Pharmacy Patient Safety Group to produce Completing the Patient Safety Report, which provides contractors with information on what they need to do to meet the patient safety report part of the Gateway criterion, as well as worked examples of a monthly and annual* patient safety report template.

Is there a form per se for the PCA annual report?

The PCA Annual Report requires certain specific information to be submitted to the QPSD. This information can be found in the PCA regulations at 243 CMR 3.12 (4). There is no form per se for this report. There is a reporting schedule for both the PCA Semi-Annual and Annual Reports.


What is a patient safety report?

Patient Safety Reporting (PSR) gives military treatment facility personnel the ability to anonymously report medical events that impact the safety of patients.

What is quality and patient safety?

Quality has been defined by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) as “doing the right thing at the right time for the right person and having the best possible result.” Patient safety is simply defined by the World Health Organization as “the prevention of errors and adverse effects to patients ...

What are the 6 patient safety goals?

The Joint Commission has outlined seven patient safety goals for hospitals to focus on in 2021, including:Identify patients correctly. ... Improve staff communication. ... Use medicines safely. ... Use alarms safely. ... Prevent infection. ... Identify patient safety risks. ... Prevent mistakes in surgery.

What are 5 factors that identify quality healthcare?

He identified 182 attributes of quality healthcare and grouped them into five categories: environment, empathy, efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy.

Why is patient safety and quality important?

It aims to prevent and reduce risks, errors and harm that occur to patients during provision of health care. A cornerstone of the discipline is continuous improvement based on learning from errors and adverse events. Patient safety is fundamental to delivering quality essential health services.

What are examples of patient safety?

The Nurse's Role in Patient SafetyIdentify “wrong site, wrong procedure, wrong patient” errors. High quality hospitals view nurses as the physician's partner in avoiding errors such as these. ... Catch medication mistakes. ... Educate patients about their medications. ... Reduce patient falls. ... Monitor patients for deterioration.

How do you ensure patient safety?

5 Factors that can help improve patient safety in hospitalsUse monitoring technology. ... Make sure patients understand their treatment. ... Verify all medical procedures. ... Follow proper handwashing procedures. ... Promote a team atmosphere.

What are the 2021 National Patient Safety Goals?

The Joint Commission's 2021 national patient safety goals for hospitals are:Improve the accuracy of patient identification.Improve staff communication.Improve the safety of medication administration.Reduce patient harm associated with clinical alarm systems.Reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections.More items...•

How do you achieve patient safety goals?

Seven ways for hospitals to achieve patient safety goalsRe-evaluate patient identification policies and procedures. ... Create efficient workflows to disseminate test results. ... Identify gaps in processes for labeling medications. ... Get executive buy-in to make alarm system safety a hospital priority.More items...•

What are the 6 domains of quality?

Six domains of quality exist within health care (safety, timeliness, effectiveness, efficiency, equitability, patient-centeredness), and quality improvement projects should seek to improve the patient experience in at least one of these domains.

What are the 6 dimensions of quality in healthcare?

Don Berwick describes six dimensions of quality in health care: safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity.

What are the 3 components of quality health care?

Effective – providing evidence-based healthcare services to those who need them; Safe – avoiding harm to people for whom the care is intended; and. People-centred – providing care that responds to individual preferences, needs and values.

Measures in the report

The chart-abstracted measures covered in the report pertain to the following:

Pioneers in Quality recognized

This year’s annual report also recognizes 39 Pioneers in Quality hospitals that are at the forefront of a new era in health care quality reporting—one in which hospitals collect information on the quality of patient care through electronic health records (EHRs) and report the data to The Joint Commission and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).


The thoughts and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of Dr. Pellegrini and do not necessarily represent those of The Joint Commission or the American College of Surgeons.
