23 hours ago With offices in Gainesville and Lake City, Florida, All About Women, M.D. provides expert OB/GYN services covering the entire range of women's healthcare needs. Our OB/GYN physicians and nurse midwives provide expert care during pregnancy as well as state of the art in-office treatments for gynecologic disorders including Novasure endometrial ablation to treat/stop … >> Go To The Portal
With offices in Gainesville and Lake City, Florida, All About Women, M.D. provides expert OB/GYN services covering the entire range of women's healthcare needs. Our OB/GYN physicians and nurse midwives provide expert care during pregnancy as well as state of the art in-office treatments for gynecologic disorders including Novasure endometrial ablation to treat/stop …
With offices in Gainesville and Lake City, Florida, All About Women, M.D. provides expert OB/GYN services covering the entire range of women's healthcare needs. Our OB/GYN physicians and nurse midwives provide expert care during pregnancy as well as state of the art in-office treatments for gynecologic disorders including Novasure endometrial ablation to treat/stop …
OB/GYN doctors at All About Women, Obstetrics & Gynecology offer personalized, technologically advanced obstetrics and gynecology services from Board Certified OB/GYB physicians. Besides expert women's healthcare, permanent birth control and prenatal care, OB/GYN doctors also offers advanced hysterectomy surgery in and around the Gainesville area.
With offices in Gainesville and Lake City, Florida, All About Women, M.D. provides expert OB/GYN services covering the entire range of women's healthcare needs. Our OB/GYN physicians and nurse midwives provide expert care during pregnancy as well as state of the art in-office treatments for gynecologic disorders including Novasure endometrial ablation to treat/stop …
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – The Most Common Cause of Infertility. Physicians at Gainesville's All About Women discuss Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), the most common cause of infertility in women, it's symptoms and treatment... ›.
A hysterectomy is a common surgery, and the da Vinci method is a minimally invasive option with faster recovery. ›. All About Laparoscopic Surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure with a multitude of benefits, including quicker healing rates.
The month of November is COPD Awareness Month, so now is the perfect time to review your risk factors. Chronic obstructive ... More
Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her body stops producing the hormones associated with her menstrual cycle and her ... More
Fibroids are one of the leading causes of abdominal pain and heavy bleeding in women. It’s understandable why a woman would rush ... More
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant rise in the number of people (particularly women) who are food ... More
Food can be a complex subject for many people. While some find comfort and contentment in food, others may have a more complicated ... More
Many women say that carrying a child is a beautiful, though sometimes strange experience. Nobody knows how weird your body can be ... More
Ovaries – The ovaries are a woman's reproductive organs. They are in the pelvis.#N#Ovulation – This is when a woman's body releases a mature egg from one of the ovaries.
Ectopic pregnancy – An ectopic pregnancy is one that is developing outside of the uterus. In most cases, this type of pregnancy occurs in a fallopian tube.#N#Endometriosis – This is a condition involving tissue that resembles endometrium. It develops outside of the uterus. The tissue grows on or close to the fallopian tubes, ovaries or other parts of the pelvic region.#N#Estrogen – A set of hormones emitted by the ovaries. These hormones affect a women's menstrual cycle and sexual development.
Speculum – The speculum is a piece of gynecological equipment. It is used to open the cervix and complete a pap smear.
Cerclage – A cerclage is a round row of stitches set inside the cervix to stop dilation and ejection of a preterm fetus.#N#Cancer – This is an abnormal, unconstrained growth of cells capable of making its way into nearby tissue and distant sites.#N#Cure – Medical specialists consider a cancer or other illness cured if, following treatment, it can no longer be detected and remains undetected for a long time. In many cases, this means that the cancer has not come back in five years or more.
Amenorrhea – This term references a lack of or end to menstrual periods. Anovulation – Medical professionals use this word when a woman's ovaries stop producing or releasing eggs that are mature. Atrophy, vaginal – This is when the vaginal tissues shrink or thin due to a lack of estrogen following menopause, a condition ...
Dysplasia – When dysplasia occurs, abnormal cells have been detected on the cervix or another area of the genitals. Dysplasia can progress into a cancer, one that's caused by the human papillomavirus. Dyspareunia – This condition is pain in the pelvis or vagina following intercourse.
Glossary to help patients better communicate with their doctor. The complexity of women's bodies brings on questions about gynecology and pregnancy for many people, especially those seeking obstetric or gynecological care. It's important that patients are able to take control of their health and that begins with gaining knowledge about their bodies ...