alan schultz=patient portal

by Dr. Lavada DuBuque I 4 min read

Patient Portal Login | athenahealth

21 hours ago Patient Portal; DU Employees; Become a Patient; Alan Schultz, D.O. "I am blessed to have a great job of taking care of people. Working a variety of jobs prior and during school has given me a great appreciation and understanding of real-world pressures and how this impacts health. Through this lens, I come alongside patients to help in their ... >> Go To The Portal

What if I’m having issues logging into my Patient Portal?

Patient Portal; DU Employees; Become a Patient; Alan Schultz, D.O. "I am blessed to have a great job of taking care of people. Working a variety of jobs prior and during school has given me a great appreciation and understanding of real-world pressures and how this impacts health. Through this lens, I come alongside patients to help in their ...

How do I get to my Patient Portal?

Office Phone (325)480-9280. Fax number (325)670-4057

Who is Dean Schultz MD?

The Pitfalls of Free Standing Emergency Rooms Categories: General Health and Wellness By Ken Cohen, MD, FACP Chief Medical Officer We have all become familiar with the …

How do I change or Reset my Patient Portal password?

May 21, 2020 · Alan Schultz has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).


Mrs Edge, Agate Momentum Trust

Converting two schools into a new Multi Academy Trust we knew that we were going to need all of our finance staff to be at the top of their game. Ensuring that we were suitably prepared to take on new converter schools in the near future was a priority. Changing our accounting software from FMS… Read More

Mrs Bingham, Britannia Education Trust

We converted in June 2017 and formed a Multi Academy Trust. The process had been challenging, devoting as much time as possible to getting the Trust going to ensure a smooth transition.

Mr Seager, Stratford School Academy

Alan Patient & Co have assisted us through a period of change. They have helped update our financial controls, advised on and implemented new accounting software and aided us in maintaining budgetary controls to help us grow from 900 going up to 1,500 pupils. I used to find monthly budgetary meetings daunting, feeling that I… Read More

Pedro de Almeida, Director, Astus Research, Ltd

We have been working with Alan Patient & Co for several years and are happy with it.

Simonida Kozelj

The Alan Patient people are like my financial consciousness – gently nudging me to do my part. They do theirs really quickly and professionally. I never feel intimidated as whatever I do not understand or need to do, is explained in a friendly manner.

Geoff McDowall , Freelance Animator

I’ve always found working with Alan and Tony easy and straightforward. Alan has also helped me several times in dealing with official bodies which were not specifically to do with financial matters.

Barry Neil, Ambient

One of my clients was defrauded of a large amount of money. Alan, very efficiently, helped the company sort out just how much and in what way. He has helped the company recover the funds from their bank and other sources to minimize the pain. He has supported them through the traumatic time a thoroughly… Read More
