against apa guidelines to right different report for patient

by Tevin Hoppe 8 min read

Guidelines for Practitioners - American Psychological Association

35 hours ago These guidelines are designed to educate psychologists and provide a framework for making decisions regarding professional record keeping. State and federal laws, as well as the American Psychological Association's (APA, 2002b) "Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct" (hereafter referred to as the Ethics Code), generally require maintenance of appropriate records of ... >> Go To The Portal

What are the APA Clinical Practice Guidelines?

APA Clinical Practice Guidelines APA is in the process of developing clinical practice guidelines which provide specific recommendations about treatment and clinical matters for particular disorders and conditions. Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Should APA make a contribution to the evaluation of treatment guidelines?

Second, the interest and expertise in methodological issues within the profession of psychology made it likely that APA could make a useful contribution to the evaluation of treatment guidelines.

What are the guidelines for APA up?

Up for review in approximately 2025. As these terms are used in APA policy, "guidelines" include pronouncements, statements or declarations that suggest or recommend specific professional behavior, endeavor or conduct for psychologists or for individuals or organizations that work with psychologists.

What are the APA guidelines for assessment and evaluation?

APA Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation (PDF, 660KB) The purpose of the guidelines is to assist and inform psychologists of best practice when psychological instruments, including psychometric tests and collateral information, are used within the practice of psychological assessment and/or evaluation.

What are the most common ethical violations in clinical psychology?

5 Major Ethical Violations In Therapycommunication of therapist's intrapsychic conflicts to the patient.contamination of the transference and consequent interpretations.the dissolution of the therapeutic “hold”the possibility of inappropriate gratification resulting from counter-transference problems.

What are the ethical guidelines set forth by the APA?

Psychologists should respect the right to dignity, privacy, and confidentiality of those they work with professionally. 4 They should also strive to minimize their own biases as well as be aware of issues related to diversity and the concerns of particular populations.

What are the 6 APA ethical guidelines?

General ethical principlesPrinciple A: Beneficence and nonmaleficence.Principle B: Fidelity and responsibility.Principle C: Integrity.Principle D: Justice.Principle E: Respect for people's rights and dignity.Resolving ethical issues.Competence.Human relations.More items...

What is unethical behavior for a therapist?

Unethical behaviors by psychotherapists happen for multiple reasons. Sometimes they don't take care of themselves and find themselves using their clients to meet their personal needs. Or sometimes they might not stop and think about what they are saying and end up sharing information about a client.

How do the APA rules protect professionals and the public from unethical practices?

Here are five recommendations APA's Science Directorate gives to help researchers steer clear of ethical quandaries:Discuss intellectual property frankly. ... Be conscious of multiple roles. ... Follow informed-consent rules. ... Respect confidentiality and privacy. ... Tap into ethics resources.

Which of the following is an unethical practice in research?

What are unethical practices in science? Fabrication, falsification, plagiarism or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the scientific community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research. recording or reporting them.

Which of the following is a common ethical guideline suggested by the APA?

Which of the following is a common ethical guideline suggested by the American Psychological Association? Participants must be allowed to make an informed decision.

What are the five general principles of the APA ethics code?

The five general principles of the American Psychological Association (APA) Code of Conduct state that all psychologists must strive to conduct themselves with beneficence and nonmaleficence, fidelity and responsibility, integrity, justice and respect for people's rights and dignity.

What are the ethical issues in clinical psychology?

resolving ethical Issues. Competence.human relations. Privacy and Confidentiality.advertising and other Public statements. record Keeping and and training. research and Publication.assessment. therapy.

What is the most common ethical violation for health professionals?

The most prominent violation in all of the lists with statistical data was a sexual relationship with a client. Both the APA and ACA code of ethics require a minimum of 2 years between the termination of the counseling relationship and the beginning of a sexual relationship.

What are some ethical violations?

Ethics violations such as discrimination, safety violations, poor working conditions and releasing proprietary information are other examples. Situations such as bribery, forgery and theft, while certainly ethically improper, cross over into criminal activity and are often dealt with outside the company.

What are some legal and ethical issues in counseling?

Ethical Issues In Counseling With Children And AdultsMaintaining Boundaries.Professional Ability.Personal Problems.Maintaining Confidentiality.Respecting Client Differences.Getting the Authorities Involved.Maintain Their Role.Maintaining Therapy.More items...•

How do guidelines differ from standards?

Guidelines differ from standards in that standards are mandatory and may be accompanied by an enforcement mechanism. Guidelines are aspirational in intent. They are intended to facilitate the continued systematic development of the profession and to help facilitate a high level of practice by psychologists.

What is the HIPAA Privacy Rule?

In particular, HIPAA's Privacy Rule and Security Rule have implications for the development, maintenance, retention, and security of medical and mental health records. In light of these developments, BPA directed COPPS to revise the "Record Keeping Guidelines.".

What is the ethics code for psychologists?

State and federal laws, as well as the American Psychological Association's (APA, 2002b) "Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct" (hereafter referred to as the Ethics Code), generally require maintenance of appropriate records of psychological services. The nature and extent of the record will vary depending upon the purpose, ...

What is the purpose of the psychological record keeping document?

Specific state and federal laws and regulations govern psychological record keeping. To the extent possible, this document attempts to provide guidelines that are generally consistent with these laws and regulations. In the event of a conflict between these guidelines and any state or federal law ...

What is record keeping procedure?

Record keeping procedures are directed, to some extent, by the Ethics Code and legal and regulatory requirements. Within these guidelines, more directive language has been used when a particular guideline is based specifically on mandatory provisions of the Ethics Code or law.

What is adequate records?

Adequate records are generally a requirement for third-party reimbursement for psychological services. The process of keeping records involves consideration of legal requirements, ethical standards, and other external constraints, as well as the demands of the particular professional context.

When were the record keeping guidelines published?

The 1993 "Record Keeping Guidelines" were posted on the APA Web site for member and public comment in the light of a possible revision. A call for comments was published in the APA Monitor and circulated to state, provincial, and territorial psychological associations and to APA divisions.

What are guidelines in APA?

As these terms are used in APA policy, "guidelines" include pronouncements, statements or declarations that suggest or recommend specific professional behavior, endeavor or conduct for psychologists or for individuals or organizations that work with psychologists.

What are standards in APA?

As these terms are used in APA policy, "standards" include any criteria, protocols or specifications for conduct, performance, services or products in psychology or related areas, including recommended standards. Standards are considered to be mandatory and may be accompanied by an enforcement mechanism.

What is clinical practice guidelines?

Clinical practice guidelines provide recommendations based on an independent systematic review of the research on treatments for specific disorders or health conditions.

What should a psychologist know about confidentiality?

Your psychologist should let you know the limits of confidentiality and explain how confidential records are stored.

Is it okay to have a sexual relationship after therapy ends?

One type of relationship that’s never acceptable is a sexual relationship with a current client. And even though sexual relationships that occur at least two years after therapy ends may be technically acceptable, they can still be harmful.

Can a therapist bill you under a supervisor's name?

Keep in mind that bills may be under the supervisor’s name, not the trainee’s. You don’t want to report a billing problem when none exists!

Do psychologists have to share information?

APA’s Ethics Code says that psychologists may only share the minimum information necessary.

Type of Manuscripts Sought

We seek all types of case studies including clinical case studies of individual therapy, couples and family therapy, group therapy, as well as case studies of organizations.


All manuscripts should be prepared according to general guidelines for AAJP. As with other submissions, case studies will be limited to the maximum of 30 manuscript pages including title page, abstract, and references. Otherwise, the manuscript should follow the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Recommended Section Headings in Case Study Manuscripts

As we strive for standardization of reports in this special section, we prefer that case studies be organized according to the following section headings.

What is the best position to be aware of the unique characteristics of individual patients?

Health care professionals are in the best position to be aware of the unique characteristics of individual patients. The treatment strategy most likely to succeed usually combines the most effective specific interventions with a strong therapeutic relationship and a mutual expectation of and framework for improvement.

What is a health care guideline?

Generally, health care guidelines are pronouncements, statements, or declarations that suggest or recommend specific professional behavior, endeavor, or conduct in the delivery of health care services. Guidelines are promulgated to encourage high quality care.

Why are guideline panels recommended?

It is recommended that guideline panels make detailed recommendations to facilitate independent evaluation of the reliability of the guidelines they produce. Ascertaining whether the guidelines are interpreted and applied consistently by health care professionals comprises one assessment of reliability.

What is a criterion 7.2?

Criterion 7.2 It is recommended that guidelines take into account the effects on treatment outcome of interactions between the patient's and the health care professional's characteristics , including but not limited to language, ethnicity, background, sex, and gender.

What is the purpose of failure to disclose scientific justification for a guideline?

Moreover, failure to disclose the scientific justification for a guideline violates a basic principle of science, which requires open scrutiny and debate. Without the disclosure of adequate scientific information, guidelines are mere expressions of opinion.

Why are guidelines important for treatment?

Good guidelines allow for flexibility in treatment selection so as to maximize the range of choices among effective treatment alternatives.

Why are guidelines promulgated?

Guidelines are promulgated to encourage high quality care. Ideally, they are not promulgated as a means of establishing the identity of a particular professional group or specialty, nor are they used to exclude certain persons from practicing in a particular area.

Multiple Relationships

  • Your psychologist shouldn't also be your friend, client or sex partner. That’s because psychologists are supposed to avoid relationships that could impair their professional performance or harm their clients. 1. Of course, it’s usually impossible for psychologists to avoid all contact with clients outside their offices. Relationships that don’t hinder psychologists’ performance or harm their patients are ethically OK. 2. One type of relationship that’s neve…
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  • Employers, spouses, school administrators, insurance companies and others often ask psychologists to provide information about their clients. APA’s Ethics Codesays that psychologists may only share the minimum information necessary. 1. Your psychologist should be clear about whether and why he or she is disclosing information. Sometimes, for instance, a law requires psychologists to disclose something, such as possible abu…
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Informed Consent

  • Your psychologist should give you the information you need to give informed consent right from the start. Topics to discuss include: 1. Limits of confidentiality 2. Nature and extent of your psychologist’s record-keeping 3. Expertise, experience and training 4. What servicesyour psychologist can’t or won’t provide 5. Estimated lengthof therapy 6. A...
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  • Sometimes a therapist in training may provide your treatment. The therapist should let you know he or she is a trainee and give you the supervising psychologist's name. 1. Keep in mind that bills may be under the supervisor’s name, not the trainee’s. You don’t want to report a billing problem when none exists!
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  • When psychologists work with organizations or groups, there may be confusion about who the actual client is. 1. In court, for instance, it may not be clear whether a psychologist is serving as an expert witness or an advocate for one side. Confusion is also possible when psychologists provide services to one person at the request of another, such as parents requesting therapy for children or police departments requesting evaluations of officers. 2. Psyc…
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  • Psychologists should only practice in areas where they are competent. 1. If you’re in a custody battle, for instance, a psychologist who’s unfamiliar with working with courts could harm your case no matter how well-intentioned he or she is. 2. If you ask your psychologist to write a letter to the judge about your child’s relationship with you and your spouse, the psychologist could get in trouble by failing to note something like the fact that she never met th…
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  • Your psychologist has an ethical obligation to bill patients and insurers accurately. Your psychologist should explain financial policies at the beginning of treatment. 1. Sloppy bookkeeping lands some psychologists in hot water. Others get in trouble because they try to manipulate the systemto get clients more benefits than they’re entitled to. 2. Don’t ask your psychologist to bill for a service that’s covered rather than what was actually provid…
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End of Therapy

  • You should know the difference between treatment termination and abandonment. 1. Psychologists can ethically discontinue treatmentwhen clients aren’t benefiting from therapy, may be harmed by treatment, no longer need therapy or threaten the therapist, themselves or others. 2. Your psychologist should explain why the current treatment is no longer appropriate, suggest alternative service providers, address feelings of rejection and resolv…
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