ag family patient portal

by Arely Graham 8 min read

Patient Portal Benefits -

32 hours ago All of your Patient Portal information can be printed prior to an office visit with a healthcare professional. This will help you to provide complete and accurate medical information to all members of your healthcare team! We hope that you will find the Allegan General Hospital Patient Portal to be very useful. We feel >> Go To The Portal

What is the patient portal for Family Practice Center?

All of your Patient Portal information can be printed prior to an office visit with a healthcare professional. This will help you to provide complete and accurate medical information to all members of your healthcare team! We hope that you will find the Allegan General Hospital Patient Portal to be very useful. We feel

How do I log in to my Patient Portal?

Patient Portal Login. Login. User name. Password. Forgot Password? Portal Admin Login. Remember me? Sign In ...

Why use the AFC patient portal?

Test results can be accessed and reviewed through your patient portal. If you’re having issues locating your patient portal, the portal locator will help you find it. If you’re having issues logging into your patient portal, please contact your medical provider’s office for support.

How secure is the Family Practice Center?

The FedEx network has recently been impacted by severe winter weather across the country. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the delay of your results. Our laboratory operates 24/7- once received, all samples will be promptly tested and reported. Please continue to check the Aegis website or patient portal for status updates.


How to contact FollowMyHealth?

For technical questions and support, contact our patient portal support center at 989-907-8982.

What are the rights of a patient?

Patient's Rights. Respect and Dignity: You have the right to have your dignity as an individual human being recognized and respected. Your cultural and spiritual beliefs, values, traditions and rituals are held in reverence, and to the extent possible, are integrated into your care.

What is caregiver identity?

Caregiver Identity: You are entitled to know who is responsible for and who is providing your direct care, are entitled to receive information concerning your continuing health needs and alternatives for meeting those needs, and to be involved your care and discharge planning, if appropriate.

What is the responsibility of a medical practitioner?

You have the responsibility to provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications , and other matters relating to your health. You have the responsibility to report unexpected changes in your condition to the responsible practitioner. You are responsible for making it known whether you clearly comprehend a contemplated course of action and what is expected of you.

What is the right to be free from restraints?

You have the right to be free from restraints unless it is necessary to protect you or others. Pain Management: You have the right to have your pain managed. Consent and Refusal: You are entitled to refuse treatment to the extent provided by law and to be informed of the consequences of that refusal.

FPC Patient Portal

The Family Practice Center, PC, Patient Portal provides secure access to portions of your medical record and allows easy and convenient communication with our practice. So that we can provide this service without compromising your private information, no one will have access to your personal portal account except you.

Patient Portal Authorized Representatives

For Patients Who Are Minors: Due to federal and state confidentiality laws, patients who are between the ages of 14 and 17 are not required to disclose certain types of medical information to parents/legal guardians.
