adolescent patient care report

by Lindsey Hauck 7 min read

The Adolescent Patient - Clinical Methods - NCBI Bookshelf

23 hours ago Adolescence is a unique time of rapid physical, psychologic, sexual, social, and cognitive growth and development that distinguishes the adolescent and his or her health care needs and expectations from those of the child or adult. Although puberty cannot be precisely defined by chronologic age, the process usually has its onset and completion during the second and the … >> Go To The Portal

Adolescent-report of patient-centered care (PCC) is positively associated with measures of high-quality adolescent primary care. Adolescent-reported PCC

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How should the physician's relationship with the adolescent be?

Finally, the physician's relationship with the adolescent should be growth promoting wherein the patient is expected to gradually assume increasing responsibility for his or her own health care needs. The Medical History

What is the current organisation of adolescent medical/health services?

The current organisation of adolescent medical/health services includes: • A well functioning adolescent ward with committed and skilled staff, a diverse and challenging case mix, and hospital-wide conceptual support. 25% of all RCH adolescent inpatients are admitted to the ward.

What are the elements of an adolescent model of care?

• ‘best practice’ elements of an adolescent model of care encompassing: quality of care with an emphasis on ‘integration and collaboration’; developmentally appropriate health care supported by appropriate professional skill sets; developmentally appropriate spaces; consumer engagement and the need for an active youth advisory council. 51

What is the adolescent model of care at RCH?

The advent of the new hospital provides the impetus to create a more integrated and better coordinated Adolescent Model of Care, essentially making developmentally appropriate, holistic care for adolescents everybody’s business and, in partnership with other relevant stakeholders, positioning CAH as the principal driver of change across RCH.


How long does adolescence last?

Most experts indicate that this period of development exists from about 12-18 years; some experts say that adolescence lasts from 11 years through 20-21 years.

What is acne in teenagers?

Acne is a self-limiting inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands that empty into hair follicles. It can be devastating to the teenager who is struggling with self-identity, self-image, and self-worth.

How many adolescents smoke cigarettes?

Despite public education regarding the dangers of cigarette smoking, approximately 20% of all adolescents smoke cigarettes. Educational programs tend to focus on what will happen to adolescents in the future if they continue to smoke or engage in other unhealthy practices. These programs often have little impact on changing their behavior because adolescents are concerned with the present, not the future. Peer pressure and the adolescent’s need for acceptance are so powerful, that they often do not care about future consequences.

Is it normal for a teenager to be fatigued?

Insufficient energy and fatigue may occur when the adolescent engages in some activities. Fatigue may be normal in the adolescent, but it is always a good idea to suggest that the teen receive a medical exam if fatigue becomes problematic to rule out other causes.

What are the health considerations of adolescents?

Adolescent health care considerations. Increased risk-taking behaviours and psychosocial issues, contributing to morbidity and mortality. Rarely access routine health care, so any contact should be an opportunity for preventative health care.

What is an adolescent consultation?

An adolescent consultation should include time with the adolescent and guardian/s together, as well as dedicated time with the adolescent alone. Be explicit about confidentiality requirements and obtain permission prior to contacting other relevant professionals, such as school or youth agencies.

How old is a pubertal age?

Historically spanning from ages 12–18 years, approximating the phase between pubertal onset and legal ‘independence’, and generally corresponding with attendance at high school. More recently the term has expanded to include young adulthood, up to 25 years of age. Adolescent health care considerations.

What is the transitional phase of adolescence?

Adolescence is a transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. Adolescents have the legal right to confidential health care. Adolescents less than 18 years old may be considered ‘mature minors’, capable of giving informed consent.

What is the AOD number for youth in Queensland?

For help outside of hours, call the 24-hour Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) on 1800 177 833. Youth Housing and Accommodation.

What is intervention in child protection?

Interventions include history, physical examination, procedures and treatments. Adolescents involved with child protection services require special consideration with respect to confidentially and consent. The relevant State-based service may be able to assist when consent cannot be obtained in the usual way.

What is the phone number for sexual health?

Sexual health Infolink: telephone referral line (1800 451 624, weekdays 9–5:30) staffed by specialist sexual health nurses, as well as internet-based information and referral service, providing access to all aspects of sexual health care. Specialises in HIV and STI risk assessment and treatment

What is the best practice in adolescent health?

Best practice in adolescent health/medicine is largely based upon a developmental model of care, the interpersonal skills of practitioners, and a focus on health, education, wellbeing, quality of life and function.

Who is the director of CAH?

Organisationally, CAH has an overall Director (Prof Susan Sawyer), a Deputy Director of Adolescent Medicine (functionally clinical leader – newly appointed Dr Robert Roseby), a Director of Research (Prof George Patton), and other personnel in coordinating positions.

What is the RCH?

The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH), via the Centre for Adolescent Health (CAH), is a recognised leader in adolescent health care, research, training and advocacy, both within Australia and internationally.
