a statistical report created from data compiled froma group of patient records used what data?

by Mustafa Waters MD 4 min read

Health Information Management Chapter 4 Flashcards - Quizlet

14 hours ago all patient identifying information has been removed from an individual patient record or from a group of patient records. aggregate data. data abstracted from a group of patient records for statistical reporting purposes. It is used to track variables over time, across groups, or across patient populations. ... >> Go To The Portal

Which is an example of patient health record data that is?

An example of patient health record data that is administrative or demographic data? Demographic data would be name, address, phone numbers, etc., while administrative is consent. 2 examples of clinical data in a patients chart?

What organization developed guidelines for documentation in the patient health record?

This independent nonprofit organization developed guidelines for documentation in the patient health record National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) What is the primary purpose of the patient's health record? to support the direct care of the patient

What are the 3 functions of patient health records?

3 functions of patient health records= It provides information about the patient's treatment, patient's health history, and previous treatments. Also, provides the basis for all billing and reimbursements.

What types of records are included in an acute care hospital patient chart?

Acute care hospital records, ambulatory care facilities, home care agencies, and dental records Acute care hospital patient charts include: Admission and discharge, nursing and physician notes, orders, test results, pathology and radiology reports

What type of data is used in health records?

Data types commonly extracted from EHRs and imported into registries are patient identifiers, demographics, diagnoses, medications, procedures, laboratory results, vital signs, and utilization events.

What does patient data consist of?

Patient Data means any Patient Data concerning the health of a patient and including in particular any related data from various data sources (e.g. IT middleware, electronic medical record systems) that forms Patient Data and is automatically or manually uploaded into the Software.

What type of data are collected in an EHR for a patient?

EHRs are a vital part of health IT and can: Contain a patient's medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results. Allow access to evidence-based tools that providers can use to make decisions about a patient's care.

What information is considered part of the patient record?

An individual's record can consist of a facility's record, outpatient diagnostic test results or therapies, pharmacy records, physician records, other care providers' records, and the patient's own personal health record. Administrative and financial documents and data may be intermingled with clinical data.

What is patient data base?

Patient record databases may contain data collected over long periods of time, sometimes for a patient's life-time. They are accessed by a variety of users for different patient-care purposes, to satisfy legal requirements and assist with administrative issues, such as reimbursement.

What is patient data analysis?

Healthcare data analytics refers to the collection and analysis of patient data to improve medical care and patient experience. Patients go through a continuum of caregiving from diagnosis to recovery. This medical journey is called patient experience (PX).

What is a primary data source in healthcare?

Primary Data: Data that has been generated by the researcher himself/herself, surveys, interviews, experiments, specially designed for understanding and solving the research problem at hand. Secondary Data: Using existing data generated by large government Institutions, healthcare facilities etc.

What are data sources in healthcare?

The main sources of health statistics are surveys, administrative and medical records, claims data, vital records, surveillance, disease registries, and peer-reviewed literature. We'll take a look into these sources, and the pros and cons of using each to create health statistics.

What is health data collection?

Collecting and Sharing Data Across The Health Care System. Health care involves a diverse set of public and private data collection systems, including health surveys, administrative enrollment and billing records, and medical records, used by various entities, including hospitals, CHCs, physicians, and health plans.

What are records and reports?

Record reports contain information about records you output from Collection Manager. They are separated into reports about deleted records, new records, and updated records. Each report includes details about the associated files of records (deleted, new, and updated files of records).

What are the three main types of health records?

There are three types of medical records commonly used by patients and doctors:Personal health record (PHR)Electronic medical record (EMR)Electronic health record (EHR)

What is medical data?

Medical data contains information on a person's state of health and the medical treatment that they have received.

What is patient personal data?

Personal data can identify a living person and it includes a subject's name, phone number, bank details, and medical history. The special category personal data is about sensitive information. It relates to the patient's physical, mental or sexual health.

What is patient health data?

Patient-generated health data (PGHD) is data created, recorded or gathered by or from patients, family members or caregivers to help address a medical concern. This data complements clinical data, providing a more comprehensive view of patients' health.

How is patient data used in healthcare?

Health professionals can now generate data-driven healthcare solutions to improve patient outcomes in many ways: Empowering patients to engage with their own health histories with easy-to-access medical records. Informing providers of patients' ongoing health status so they can in turn assess treatment methods faster.

How do you collect patient data?

You can collect patient data in several different ways — by conducting an interview in a clinical setting, by having the patient complete a paper form, or by having the patient fill out an online form.