6. an 11 year old patient is diagnosed as pregnant. are you mandated to report child abuse?

by Prof. Ewell Ullrich I 3 min read

Mandated Reporting - California

3 hours ago  · My 11-Year-Old Patient Was Pregnant. Here's What I Want You To Know About Being 'Pro-Life.' ... but skip the most obvious, most basic test and spend tens of thousands of dollars to work up a patient when the “diagnosis” is actually pregnancy. ... There was no room for politicians signing evil bills flanked by child props as old as Sophia, ... >> Go To The Portal

When do you have to report suspected abuse?

Mandated reporters, by law, must report suspected abuse when you have reason to suspect on the basis of medical, professional or other training and experience, that the child has been abused. Am I a mandated reporter if I learn of the abuse from someone other than the child who was allegedly abused?

Do mandated reporters have to report suspected child abuse?

The law says that mandated reporters must immediately make a report or notify the person in charge. The person in charge or the designee must make a report of suspected child abuse immediately to ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.

Is HIPAA required for mandated child abuse reports?

The HIPAA privacy rule provides an exception to the patient authorization requirement for mandated child abuse reports. Am I required to make a child abuse report if a child on a sports team that I am coaching has bruises and other indications of physical abuse?

What happens if you fail to report suspected child abuse?

A mandated reporter who is convicted of willfully failing to report or refer suspected child abuse is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree. A second or subsequent offense is a misdemeanor of the second degree.

What types of abuse must be reported?

that California law requires mandatory reporting of known or suspected:• Child abuse and neglect.• Elder and dependent adult abuse.• Domestic violence.

Who is considered a child under RA No 7610?

Who is considered a child under R.A. No. 7610? A child one who is below 18 years of age or one who is over 18 years of age but who cannot take care of himself fully because of a physical or mental disability or condition.

What is a mandated reporter in California?

Mandated reporters are required by the state of California to report any known or suspected instances of child abuse or neglect to the county child welfare department or to a local law enforcement agency (local police/sheriff's department).

Who is a mandatory reporter in NC?

North Carolina has a mandatory reporting law, NCGS § 7B-301 that states "any person or institution who has cause to suspect that any juvenile is abused, neglected, or dependent, as defined by NCGS § 7B-101, or has died as the result of maltreatment, shall report the case of that juvenile to the director of the ...

Who may file a complaint under RA 7610?

27 of RA 7610. For violations of RA 9208, complaints may be filed by any person who has personal knowledge of the commission of any offense under the Act; the trafficked person; the parents; the spouse, siblings; children; or legal guardian.

What is Republic 11313?

11313: Safe Spaces Act (Bawal Bastos Law) What does the Safe Spaces Act cover? The law covers all forms of gender-based sexual harassment (GBSH) committed in public spaces, educational or training institutions, workplace, as well as online space.

Which of the following types of reports must be reported by the child welfare?

“What Must be Reported to CACI?” The law requires child welfare agencies to make a CACI report to the CA DOJ whenever they substantiate an allegation of 1) physical abuse, 2) sexual abuse, 3) mental abuse, or 4) severe neglect.

Which type of law or laws can contain mandatory reporting requirements?

The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) requires each State to have provisions or procedures for requiring certain individuals to report known or suspected instances of child abuse and neglect. 1 For this publication, information regarding mandatory reporting laws was collected for all States.

Who is a mandated reporter in California for elder abuse?

Mandated reporters are healthcare providers, licensed or unlicensed social service providers for vulnerable adults, paid or unpaid caretakers, care custodians, the clergy, and other professionals in a position of trust who suspect elder or dependent adult abuse or neglect, including self-neglect.

Is everyone a mandated reporter in NC?

Everyone has a duty to report in cases where there is suspected: Child abuse and/or neglect by a parent, guardian, custodian or caretaker. ((N.C. Gen.

What is a mandatory person?

Mandated persons are people who have contact with children and/or families who, by virtue of their qualifications, training and experience, are in a key position to help protect children from harm.

Who can you report suspected or actual abuse?

If there is no immediate danger, you should report your concerns about abuse to the local authority in which the person is living, immediately.

Substance-Exposed Infants

  • Mothers who use drugs or alcohol while pregnant may give birth to infants who show signs of that exposure. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) requires states to have systems that address the needs of these infants. 24 states and the District of Columbiahave specific statutes in place for suspected substance exposure in bab...
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Drug Abuse That Leads to Neglect

  • Substance abuse on the part of a parent can cause grave consequences for older children as well, in some cases even contributing to the neglect of the child. According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, "Family life for children with one or both parents who misuse drugs or alcohol can often be chaotic and unpredictable." Basic needs may go unmet, such as: 1. Nutritio…
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Exposure to Illegal Activity

  • Illegal drug-related activity by parents or other household members can have concerning negative effects on children. In response, many states have expanded their definitions of child abuse and neglectto include circumstances such as: 1. Manufacturing a controlled substance in the presence of a child or on-premises occupied by a child. 2. Exposing a child to chemicals or equi…
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